Published onJuly 30, 2023Blockchain 101: Digital SignatureblockchainethereumbitcoinA powerful tool for secure communication and data protection.
Published onJuly 15, 2023Recaps of Machine Learning: Linear Regressionmachine-learningdata-sciencenotesmathExploring linear regression and regularization techniques, this blog recaps the fundamental understanding of linear regression.
Published onSeptember 16, 2022Building blockchain in Go. Part 6: Transactions 2blockchaincodegoIn this series of articles we’ll build a simplified cryptocurrency that’s based on a simple blockchain implementation.
Published onSeptember 7, 2022Building blockchain in Go. Part 5: AddressesblockchaincodegoIn this series of articles we’ll build a simplified cryptocurrency that’s based on a simple blockchain implementation.
Published onSeptember 4, 2022Building blockchain in Go. Part 4: Transactions 1blockchaincodegoIn this series of articles we’ll build a simplified cryptocurrency that’s based on a simple blockchain implementation.